Membership to the American Serbian Club is collected annually.
Regular Membership - $20.00/year
Regular members are those of American Serbian descent or family
Social Membership - $20.00/year
Social members are all others interested in membership​
Please click the links above to download applications. All applications or membership dues can sent attention to:
Valarie Tassari, Treasurer
(e); ASCDues@yahoo.com
If you would like to use PayPal to pay your dues, please request via email and you will be sent a link to pay via PayPal!

Perks of being an ASC Member:
Attend ASC Events with your guests
Email Subscription to our “ASC Upcoming Events Newsletter”
Membership “Dollar Drawings” if you attend our Friday Happy Hours or Fri/Sat Srpska Noc Events
And most importantly….Pride in Annually Supporting your ASC!